Plantilla JOCG 2023
Violin 1: Víctor Alonso - Mar de Antonio - Mariona De La Varga - Júlia Ejarque - Jorge Génova - Hugo Gracia - Elsa Jiménez - Roser Julià - Àngels López - Mireia Montiel - Lluc Montmany - Arnau Pera - Martí Plans - Jordi Queralt - Carla Sanuy - Joan Valls - Sara Weichsel Violin 2: Anna Maria García (solista) - Laura Casals - Maria Compte - Ferran De La Varga - Martí Delgado - Chantal Fullà - Irene Lacambra - Jana López - Liam Finlay Moore - Mar Farners Moore - Iker Ortega - Quirze Puig - Gemma Ramon - Sergi Renom - Aina Ribes - Uriel Ripoll - Laura Solsona - Sílvia Vila Viola: Mateo García (solista) - Laura Bonfill - Miquel López - Toni Massegú - Maite Peña - Daniel Picón - Ricardo Pineda - Guilherme Rodríguez - Gisela Tarrés - Júlia Cabanas - Anna Espejo - Jordi Altayó - Mar Martínez Cello: Sergi García (solista) - Marc Codina - Cesc Corominas - Gina Grimalt - Pau Hidalgo - Yang Ligero - Laura Martí - Lucía Morcillo - Alba Morros - Berta Olivé - Laura Peribáñez - Nihma Poch Double bass: Marta Fossas (solista) - Núria Carreras - Ricard Figaró - Salvador Martínez - Pablo Reina - Cristina Rivero - Pau Rubio - Verònica Soloveva Flute: Berta Cortada - Marta Pichardo - Sara Chavarría - Martí Solà Oboe: Jana Ginesta - Aina Costa-Pau - Maria López - Júlia López - Blanca Puig Clarinet: Alejandro Díaz - Víctor García - Quralt Planas - Uxia Sierra - Lluís Casanova Bassoon: José Manuel López - Alba Sarramona - Arnau Lleixà - Josep Rovira Horn: Raquel Climent - Sandra Ramon - Alba Ábalo - Pau Torres - Llorenç Tormo - José Vicente Vila - Pau Bermell - Anna Ferriol - Isabel Górriz - Pablo de Miguel Trumpet: Joan Alòs - Jorge Lis - Héctor Molina - Marta Torres - Lluc Estartús Trombon: Víctor Villalba - Meritxell Lanau - Biel Miró - David Vázquez - Pere Serravinyals - Martí Soler - Malva Gómez - Joan Palacio Tuba: Samuel Hernández - Víctor Pàfila Percussion: Alejandro Rey - Samuel Queralt - Júlia Mercader - Daniel Hernández - Martí Llenas - Pau Montané Harp: Maria Gibert - Elena Veena Orguel: Moisès Martínez Celesta: Elm Planas

Meritxell Maset, technical direction
Technical director of the Jove Orquestra de les Comarques Gironines and coordinator of the Simfònica de Cobla i Corda de Catalunya, she divides her work between management and teaching.
As a music education teacher, she dedicates most of her professional life to teaching. On the one hand, as a primary school teacher in a public school and as a teacher in the Master's degree in Early Childhood and Primary School at theFaculty of Education and Psychology of the University of Girona. On the other hand, he has long experience in the world of music schools, especially in the project of the La Flauta Màgica School of Active Music in Figueres.
She is involved in associative cultural activities through the Joventuts Musicals movement, specifically in Girona and Figueres, being a member of the management boards.
She is a keen proponent of pedagogical projects where music plays a central role and participates in musical initiatives that promote the talent of young musicians and their personal and musical development.

Jaume Lleixà, artistic direction
Passionate about music and languages, the main focuses of his professional work have been cultural management and the technical and artistic coordination of symphony orchestras such as the Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès, the Orquestra Simfònica Segle XXI and the Cadaqués Orchestra.
In the field of teaching, he leads educational projects aimed at the professionalization of young talents.
This vocation is complemented by his solid business experience. He loves travelling and practicing the languages he knows and he has set up and coordinated numerous cultural and social projects, with the goal of bringing knowledge to all areas of our society and in the firm conviction that together it is possible to build a better world.
He is artistic director of the Jove Orquestra de les Comarques Gironines, technical director of the Simfònica de Cobla i Corda de Catalunya, and artistic coordinator of the Metalquimia Foundation.

The METALQUIMIA Foundation was founded in Girona under the auspices of the company METALQUIMIA, SAU. It began operating in 2015.
The goal of the Foundation is to foment, promote, incentivise, sponsor and carry out activities that favour creativity and innovation (Creativation) in the different business, social, cultural, scientific-technological and educational areas of society.
The Metalquimia Foundation is inspired by creative spirit and impulse and the desire to help raise the educational, cultural and social level of the community. Creativation is a portmanteau word coined by one of the foundation’s founders, Josep Lagares. It is the result of the union of the concepts of creativity and innovation and refers to the action of systematically using creativity to generate innovation.

© Josep Vargas 2012