© Photo: Gemma Escribano
Associate Conductor of the Vigo 430 Orchestra and Granada Youth Symphony Orchestra. Recently, she was finalist in the competition for assistant conductor of the Berliner Philharmoniker and Kirill Petrenko.
Winner of the 1st Orchestral Conducting Competition in Aspe, winner of the 1st Villena International Conducting Competition and winner of the 1st Meetings on Orchestral Conducting in Bilbao. She has been selected to participate in conducting competitions in France, Portugal, Germany, The Netherlands and Italy, where she was semifinalist in the “Guido Cantelli” International Competition. Previously, she was assistant conductor of the Valencia Orchestra and assistant to Lucas Macías at the Spanish National Youth Orchestra (JONDE). She has been assistant director in different ópera productions such as Gato Montés at the Campoamor Theater in Oviedo.
She has conducted the Gran Canaria Philharmonic orchestra, Valencia Orchestra, Murcia Symphony orchestra, Oviedo Filarmonía orchestra, Illa de Menorca chamber orchestra, Valencian Federal orchestra, Castellón Youth orchestra, Orfeó Valencià, Sine Tempore Chamber orchestra and the professional wind orchestras of Madrid, Bilbao, Alicante, Pontevedra, Santiago de Compostela and Vitoria. She worked as Chief conductor of the San Pedro del Pinatar and Santomera wind orquestras in Murcia, and the Lalín wind orchestra in Pontevedra. sHe was percussionist of the Brussels Philharmonic Orchestra, the Chapelle Musicale de Tournai in Belgium, and the Murcia Symphony Orchestra.
She conducts at festivals such as the Pärnu Music Festival in Estonia, Cuenca International Music Festival, Lugo Organ Festival, Composition Meetings of the Valencia Orchestra, Ourearte Music Fest in Portugal, International Contest of Violin “CullerArts” and at the Malaga International Film Music Festival.
She is Chief conductor of the Jove Orquestra de les Comarques Gironines untill 2027.

Belén Clemente, assistant conductor
She studied classical guitar with Elisabeth Roma at the Municipal Conservatory of Music in Barcelona, as well as being part of several music bands in the province of Castelló as a trumpet player.
In 2018 she became part of the Girls' Choir of the Orfeó Català, a formation with which she has worked with teachers such as Zubin Mehta, Jonathan Nott or Gustavo Dudamel.
In 2019, she began her studies at the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (ESMUC), in conducting, and worked with teachers such as Salvador Brotons, Johan Duijck, Simon Halsey and Andrés Salado. At the same time, she studied classical singing with Oriol Rosés, Assumpta Mateu and Carmen Bustamante.
She has premiered several works by young composers, including the musical "The Great Gatsby", in the Clàssica Jove a l'Atlantida cycle in Vic.
She is currently one of the artistic and musical directors of the Original Soundtrack Orchestra.