Bringing music closer to disadvantaged groups.
The main goal of this activity is to bring symphonic music closer to those groups that, whatever the reason may be, have limited access to it. We offer the possibility of carrying out a joint activity to discover symphonic music in order to:
- Improve the quality of life of young people with mental disabilities.
- Facilitate social interaction through music.
- Promote skills and attitudes that make it easier to enjoy leisure time.
- Help to get to know different places and leisure activities.
The activity will take place during the rehearsals carried out by the Jove Orquestra de les Comarques Gironines at the Girona Auditorium. It will consist of a participatory workshop where musicians from the JOCG voluntarily explain the different families of instruments. This will be followed by attendance at an orchestral rehearsal of Tchaykovsky's 6th Symphony, where the participants in the activity will be able to sit among the musicians of the orchestra to experience a unique close-up musical moment.